tugas bahasa inggris 2
my especially experience 3 september 2014 my friend and I put our foots above mountain, we had not an experience to climb a mountain but we were helped by someone who guide us to climbed the one mountain in Jawa Barat. Our dream had come true. First mountain that we put our foots above is Gede Pangrango Mountain that precisely on the lane of climb of Cibodas. Individual equipment that are essential to carry and (in my opinion) can not depend on others is: flashlight (complete with battery backup), trekking shoes, gloves and scarves, raincoats, jackets, mattresses, medicines and drinking water. The most tasteless raincoat because its benefits are sometimes erratic weather while on the mountain. Lunch time can be hot but as the afternoon went tonight rain. For the logistics can be tailored to the needs of the group, feeding schedule and how long do the climb. Type climbing can make the climb agreed whether casual or pursue a peak at certain times, such as sunrise or sunset. ...